Local Time in Yei

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Airports, signs, awesome friends,family, hugs, onion rings, air conditioning, and chinese food!

Airports, signs, awesome friends, family, hugs, onion rings, air conditioning, and Chinese food= United States of America= home!
Oh, my goodness! I feel like I am in daze and do not even know what to do with my self. I am home! I arrived in St. Louis at around 10:30 pm last night, after over 30 hours of travel and running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep in over 32 hours. At the airport in St. Louis I was greeted by 20 people, 2 babies, and lots of signs! I was a little embarrassed, but extremely blessed. My friends and family are amazing! It was definitely weird to see them all. It some ways it feels like I never left in other ways I just feel like a visitor. We were driving home and I decided it feels like when I go visit my grandma or a different city. You know the feeling when things feel familiar, but they feel really different and a little out of place. That is the feeling. My parents house feels like I am just a guest. It's very strange, but I am sure I will get over it. So, we went to Denny's after the airport. That was weird too. I had only had 2 1/2 hours of sleep in a day in 1/2 and everything kind of felt like I was in a dream. I had a cheeseburger(haven't had one of those in 4 months and not an American one or American cheese in 1year) and onion rings(I haven't had those in 1year). It was so much fun! Thanks for coming to all of you who came. Than I went home and slept for 9 hours and than woke up. My body is so tired but it is telling me that it is actually 8 hours later than the clock actually says. It's 10pm in Uganda and Sudan right now. Also, air conditioning- Tara you weren't kidding when you said you get sick. I now have a cold, because my body is not used to air conditioning. Crazy! All right, well got to go I am eating Chinese food for the first time in a year, for lunch. I will definitely be writing again soon.

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